Where We All Hate Him

Thursday, October 20, 2005

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The only guys in our class......haha
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One Of my Best pals FLYYYY in class she has never gotten angry AMAZING!!
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CAlista, CHERYL ONG HUI QIAN!!! HAHA sorry for just now
stupid chyebyeish, and MUAH
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my DANCE PARTNER my husband we have lived
together in our second home for going to be 2 years alread..y
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WE have many interracial SHOTS haha one of them
PEOPLE sorry i cant upload so many so there is gonna be a part two well this is the spare time we had while waiting for out farewell assembly LIKE SO BORING YAH haha
so (to be continued)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

GRad ASsembly

Okay i had my Farewell Assembly on FRi. MAny things to blog about but i am busy for the momeny so promise to be cack to blog about it AND MAYBE that EEEeeya's thing jsut to let him know. PIZZa HUT?? ANyone

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Oh my god yesterday went to SCHOOL WITH A SURPRISe oh god! HAD a mock exam and my only period LIT SHE vapourized OH MY god she and me should just kill each other. HAHA. OH my god talked alot yesterday. CAlista yah your house like a cemetry everone DIED haha got a weird brother. HAHA. And studied my Antony n Cleopatra SO confusing. dont know how they keep re reading it and can remember wat act wat scene. We played like stupidly silly games before the paper so crazy. WE all agreed that when Miss kon Lectured we felt proud lah in front of the SCience stream hoho cos their stream's teacher sO BUANG. OH PLEASE IVY CHIA good teacher but a little bit sandman. AND i finally got the meaning OF WIT AFter so many papers. HAHA. THANKS Su lyn.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

And so i spent my Satuday doing nothing So Bored NEver study either..................................................................................................... SEe Sunday going out or not I want to watch movie!!! WHEEE

PArt 2 No sorries

WEll here comes Melody's part. One day earlier from my birthday we went out shopping seems like an everyday event. MY parents werent around so my cash was limited. WE were walking and walking and than suddenly she suggested i get Lydia's present it was initially a window shop present thing for her. However we were walking and i saw these two cute and lovable bunny stuffed toys which were so cute. She said we should get that for Lydia so i was like okay lah i dont buy lah. Give it to her as a present. She wanted us to buy it right than and there and i was quite reluctant due to not enough money and please my birthday i dont even have the right to shop I WAS LIKE OKAY. FIne. So we bought the toy for Lydia and i officially had no money to go out the following day my Birthday.

So on my bithday they called me out and i said i couldnt get out cos no money But i tot it would still be alrite at the end SO i went out with Zero dollars just to meet up with them. Fine it was quite disgusting the feeling when i reached there, because they asked me wat i wanted to eat and i had no money. ANd so i said i didnt want but than again i didnt want my birthday to end just like that so i agreed to eat. I eVEN took the trouble to ask my sister to walk down to a POSB bank to transfer money to me. ANd than came the choosing dinner part. BEnji said he celebrated with another person and ate at SEoul Garden and kept insisting i go to the HAwker centre along orchard road to eat OBVIOUSLY i wouldnt want that rite. PU--LEASE people and none of us ever eaten at that place. SO which means I know we are on a budget control. I wanted to have steak at Plaza SIng but again i dont blame Xiang min she cannot eat BEEF. ANd than OH my god i just had to settle for the Wanton Mee at Hereen. After telling people, people say WAh quite a big comparison to soup kitchen and this... I dont really want to compare it cos as long as it's something i am okay with doesnt matter. Not to mention i wanted to go K Dinner at least. But than it was a total Failure thing. NExt matter, i suddenly blurted out that the dinner at soup restaurant was not enough for everyone BUT SHE SCREAMED And SAID it was okay. Which i tried to clarify by saying ME and Yan Qi did not have enough to eat and we had to order at COke CAfe Bake RICE. AND SO she SCREAMed at my face again with that tone of hers" yan qi will tell me one okay sh ewont fu yan me" WELl if u dont believe me its fine. But the truth is that. MAybe it was ur Grand Birthday u couldnt realise that only Xiang Min and SOng Xia and Benji side of the table were eating more than us. Cos they are people that eat.

U ask Yan Qi, she did say yah still hungry at COKE CAFE THATs WHY WE ORDERED because u were busy PLAying the STUPID console. U can ask STACEy AS WELL it was ur birthday thing so we didnt say anything. WEll if u all people still think i am toking gibberish its fine. When u read this BLog its means our Friendship is over. COs if it took such a long time for u to even look at this blog of mine which concerns my life and i already put it on my MSN. Than we have no point to continue such silly friendships where everyone is insensitive and unconcerned abouT each other. YOu might not like me to say it But i might understand how Yen Lin Felt on her birthday. IT makes us seem like fools to just have minimal expectation and hoping u to realise.
And finally just see the title explains everything this message is particularly to Benjiman Ng and MElody Ng.

PS: Return me my stuff people and Benji i will return u urs too

aLso this is only one incident that reached my tolerance level just lasting lest than two weeks. I am also a person not ur personal servant. That is ALL.

Friday, October 07, 2005

People Who read just read all PART 1

Today, I am here with an important announcement. Regards? Well to some of my friends. I am going to be quite courteous if it is considered rude than please adjust tolerance level cos i have altered mine. This is serious since after so long we dont quite understand each other. Audiences be the judge. It started with Melody Ng's birthday it was quite alright i suppose. Not to mention I had to sit there for 3 hours on the other end of the table. I respect people's decision of not wanting me to poke into people's private lives. It's acceptable right? Well i had an urge or a desire to leave however i told myself to stay cos it was still quite early and it is her birthday so i would just keep them company. Next came an idea popping out of benji's head to go clubbing cos i said i wanted to go to the club Why NOt cos i havent been there for long.

HOWEVER I SPECIFICALLY SAID I WASNT GOING TO CLUB (even WEEKS BEFORE due to me birthday to be on the next week and i knew things like getting caught just before ur birthday were like an unspoken rule or something). I was about to leave but Benji psychoed us and said "lets go Happy" as it was free enty before 12am he was good at it If i could ask me to demo it. I decided to accompany them again. AND vuala we obviously had to walk pass WHy not to REAch HAPPY and with that they talked and walked so much they missed the 12 am thing. I suggested they went in to Why NOt cos Hui Hui was accquainted with the Deejay and most probably they could get in For FREE. SO I said i am not going in due to past occurences with the bouncers(explaining later). I even waited for all of them to get their ID's CHecked. i SAid i was leaving I told BEnji and MEl i cant get in. ANd so Benji ACtually WANTED to RISK The world's most silly stunt ASK ME TO USE HIS Bus PASS. with him next to me. ANd so The bouncer was a little unsure of me as in my age so he initially didnt had any comments But than upon looking at THE ridiculous PAss he said" You Still Dare To Come Here aRH?" These words lingered in my head they really RANg. And they confiscated the FAke ID.

You may call it my pride it's alright. REason why i didnt flare up at them because firstly it was Mels Birthday, secondly i was lost i didnt know whether it was stupid me to take the ID when i knew it wont work OR whether it was Benji just being selfish(bad word) or absent minded (sounds better aint it). HE didnt even SAY ANYTHING THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME. I have told mel before the incident she jolly well replied" WHy u cannot go in?" WEll to that i have my respects for wat absent mindness can do and her attitude and tone were like OH i am the criminal or some sort. SO after that i had to think my mind was still ringing with those words MY spine just literally broke cos what i have believed to be my friends or my support system. I just couldnt bear that breeze behind me. ANd Amazingly i appreciate Yan Qi's help to negotiate THUMBS UP and we had the ID Back. BENji should be Glad.

EVEN WORSE he suggested we GO HAPPY to try. I wAS like i am going home BUT no they kept saying COME COME COME. My legs were detached from my brain it seems given the situation friends for such a long time i would do that. PEople i am not asking u to judge whether benji looks pathetic and disgusting when he does things like that. HE may be trying to salvage the situation of finding a place to go after that ordeal. We decided not to go happy cos it was EXPENSIVE. Later they decided to go Boat quay that was one of my last places to go if it were me cos MANY horrid Memories. At that point everyone wantED TO GO SOMEWHERE sounds selfish even ME( i wanted to go home). Hui hui likes Boat quay. Benji just wants to go to either a club or pub (correct me if i am wrong ). Yan qi wanted to go to a Pub with a karaoke. Because her boyfriend likes to sing and she wants to meet him. THan there was me VERsus MEL outside the CAb door.

I wanted to leave cos i explained i wanted to go home (not forgetting the previous ringing words) and the cab fare from Tanjong Pagar was only $10 to my home from BOAT QUAY it was $20. At that point i didnt had money or enough money for the place called BOAt Quay i will not call her insenitive Just never think before acting. SO she Yelled or TALKEd LOULDY SAYing " COME COME COME inside the Cab" Seems like i am her LACKY. Well after that had many things happen. AS to Benji why after supressing many incidents this was the one who pushed me off the cliff COME I SHALL List them---
  1. At a china black CLUBBING incident he wanted to go so badly cos he said he had never gone into a big club yet so i agreed to accomapny him AND he left so early at 1am i was quite dissapointed but i understand family thang.
  2. At a Rave incident it WAS an SAJC CLUBBING party i didnt have an id so he wanted to get into the club first and asked me to look for my friends at Tanjong Pagar by myself. I was Shocked although he at the end did accomapny me But after saying that. You get the picture.
  3. At a road junction (About to take a cab home) of Tanjong Pagar Outside THe one karaoke i wanted to GO home he psychoed me to stay with him cos he saw a gal of his dream CALled vAL or so he says. I decided to agree and go Why not this was the time when i had the collision with the bouncers. WE waited for a while cos they wanted free entry however they couldnt give us free entry THat WAS besides the point. I couldnt get in cos he confronted me about my ID and to prevent confiscation i said i forgot to bring and he said i couldnt enter and so i had to leave. AND YOU knoW WAT? BEnji said "u go home first loh i go in with them" I was very pissed i just asked him "you going to leave me alone here" he said "go home" FINE I WeNT HOME. PEople AS a fRiend would u commit such acts furthermore FOR STRAIGHT NORMAL GUYS WHO ARE READING THIS the logical mind was to at least accompany ur friend i know many would ANd than come back to flirt with the gal IT EVEN GIVES A GENTLEMAN IMAGe allowing good marks in the Girl's mind.
  4. PEOPLE i am not saying CLubbing is wrong. From my points (and there are many more these are just the major ones) we can conclude he is not a true clubber he is JUST A PERSON well imagine a face first WANTING SOMETHING SO BAD that it feels disgusting ( for mean people) or SOrry (for nice people) just to look or View upon it. HE may say he is not like that but well so many evidence i think even i HAD TO SUE it would be Sufficient rite.
For the MEl thing to be continued in PART 2 otherwise TOO Long

Thursday, October 06, 2005


These few days very chiong sua so tiring so sianz so irritating. FInally finished One patethic paper for A level! WHEEE the ARt coursework quite worried cos a few of them also say many people might get a B yah loh i think so too where got so goot everyone get (A)s rite? My birthday was horridly past i thought this year got more people would be slightly better but nah i would have prefered last year's Cheryl's accompany-Burger King is sufficient. It was heart-felt at least. Many people say they can be better friends but I think there is no comparison or not because (unexplained). ALso today's coursework SET up was so rush hour mode we changed so many times of the STAnd and Elaine being the perfectionist haha kept painting EVERYthing WHITE to make it clean. We kept switching the projectors around so CRAzy after that w had to wait for the examiners to leave than we can keep our stuff. SO silly right after doing he asked all of us to go for lessons tomorrow 3 hours he mad arh havent even RESTed enough so crazy. THan keep asking us to study other subjects but HELLO the art thing wasnt over properly who will go and study other subjects properly. I realised i should speak out what I think cos horoscopes always say for me thats what make mE WHO I AM. WEll maybe I should. As melvin would say there is nothing wrong with expressing one's feelings just dont hurt people can already. Also, regardless of people believing or listening to my words people might be skeptics Cos they also believe what they believe in so as long as I just get it off its okay. HAHA. But for me maybe slowly lah. Everyday little. Here goes first well previously I liked this person in my school, Dexter. Too people that have supported and understood me I thank you all. But he is still like a Mountain or a peak or a summit that can never be reached so it is alright yah? Furthermore he has a snow cap over him to protect him so yah FINAL. In my past I have experienced people's unknowing comaprison of situations. For example, it is stupid to base it on whether two people were together or not. Or even better whether was it one sided or not. Because different situations consist of different emotions be it a boyfriend problem or a gal's one. Each should be dealt with greater respect or at least just listen and listen to people's opinion. Not to be just brushed upon and leave people hanging around AT LEAST that is what I would do. NEver just a bit of fu yan and gone because what if some people take to too seriously at least for me I am okay with it.