Where We All Hate Him

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hi people, sorry for not updating. As you all know this new year got no BAI FANg-ing so here i am playing with blogskins. This is the COokie skin (not complete) which we baked lah. OKAY! you all want other designs but cookies one just tell me loh.

Unfortunately, doesnt mean i dont update i dont have friends. RIGHT? NAtalie, maybelle, nina, jerome, HAZEL Nut etc. (not just them).Unfortunately, during the hols i have to work and go out and enjoy and play. Rather than just sulking about the past mistakes of something u can never get back and staring at the screen. Never will I. Also, when i go out with people means mutuality agreement was complied. Unfortunately, i was invited on their own account. With no empathy, sympathy, or any knowledge of wat has happened. Thanks again for remembering me dearly. Unlike, trying ur best to fit in, people have come to approach me. I dont complain about people and end up getting back along with them. I either knock u over or leave u alone. Such imbeciles are really so pitiful. Friendless and unable to naturally fit in. Foolish complains, nobody is at fault. I just know, unfortunately. For i have brains. I know people more than they can know even a slightest part of me.

Anyways XIN NIAN KUAI LE! that have been wonderfully nice to me!
WHEEE. i dont need to name all of u all rite?
(it looks silly)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

sorry for not updating. New year was okay. Yada yada yada. But most importantly was the first day of 2006. haha. I had to move myself WHOOSH WHISSHHHH back to time. Apparently, I went for a gathering of 3rp 4rp. Hell, YEAH! guess who i saw? haha to EVerybody that has heard me grumble GREAt u know who the heaven he is. But thats okay haha. Anwyays, i shall soon blog about certain things like