Home Bound
Alas! after few weeks of non-stop packing I am finally heading back to the land that created tiger beer. I finished my exams quite early, golly it was one of the most horrific moments in my life. I think most of the paper leaves me feeling like a Wot! Well on 24th June the results are going to be mailed to our home addresses. I am going to snatch the letter box keys so as to hold on to it before anyone does knowing WLF, she will just open regardless of whether I approve it or not. The reason I have been taking so long to pack is like I was looking back at forth as to which clothes which stuff to bring back. Only to realise that is there a point to dress up well.... Cos well its Singapore.... I have this weird tendency to have a very bad throat like days before boarding planes. i think it is to do with my mental incapabilities to take a plane. I shopped for stuff and decided to only buy one good thing this time I don't know why I have this unfortunate syndrome of not spending anymore money although I wanted to get a new laptop bag and a carry on board hand carrier. I saw those at Fendi and just wanted to get it so as to satisfy my innermost reminders of " Please get a new hand carrier and a laptop bag". The laptop bag is a necessity. AFter what my sister passed down to me this really shitty piece of shit laptop bag you know those tech savvy people will recommend you to buy just because it looks like those really resistant stuff like Timberland. Well it failed on my alright and the strap broke and it was just my laptop and it was meant to be for a MacBook Pro and I am just using a MacBook nonetheless, it rolled down the steps while I was trying to get up the a higher level.
It seems to me that I have to go home and get a job. I was thinking the next two years are going to be my intern years is it necessary? I really dont want to, but I will do it on certain conditions. It is not a boring office, I get to meet interesting and nice people. One year of the oh horrors people in my Uni is enough for me. I need a reboot to my brain. I should be like finishing my last bit of packing now yet i am here trying to inject life into my old blog which is dead. My eyes are like half closed as I am typing this but my brain seems to not want to sleep. What a weird sensation.
I might as well upload some photos I have taken while during the holidays.
Some centre/square place at CANNABIS Street
Me and Yilin's trip to london to watch John Mayer we had some lunch here at Cha Cha Moon
The review of the food is a 3/5 considering its an asian restaurant in a white place. LoL. I ordered Jasmine tea infused chicken noodles me thinks and Yilin ordered this Hor Fun looking thing i also ordered Taro cake loved it :)
Also since I saw a woman carrying a birkin bag I decided to see how many Londoners could easily be spotted carrying it while walking around.
And this was in span of like 30 minutes. LOL
I did see like loads more while walking around but I was too lazy to use my camera and steal shot everyone.
They also had this weird elephant event whereby all over London they have these cutely graphically designed Dumbos all over the place I only took two of them there were more even in Shopping Malls.
Aren't they dope I think I saw some people actually going around trying to take as many elephantes as they could
As regard the John Mayer videos and photos would not be on ever... lol I couldnt bring in my camera as they said it had a Zoom Lens to big for the show and judging my how Winni will never get online to do anything lol I doubt I will see any photos of us at the concert.